Thursday, April 7, 2011

Earth Shifting

Okay, can I just say I'm really confused with Blogger?

The formatting is weird and the way things are displayed between profiles and actual blogs is odd, too. How do I turn on email notifications for comments? I missed almost all the comments on my blog and don't see where/how to change it so they are automatically emailed to me? I don't come here that often so it would be easier to just follow a link from the mail to respond to people. I just realized there are comments from last year with questions that I never saw...

Also, are there notifications for when someone adds you to "follow"? And how do you return the favor? What's the difference between follow and add to friends?

Maybe someone can enlighten me. I would appreciate it. :)


As for life itself... I cannot believe it's April already. As my friend likes to say, the world seems to be spinning faster these days. New Scientist seems to agree! There also is this:

"The 8.9-magnitude quake near the east coast of Honshu, Japan was so powerful it has shifted the Earth's axis and shortened the amount of time in a day.

Diana Roman, geophysicist from Florida, says the earthquake caused the coast of Japan to extend about 8 feet eastward, and caused the ground to sink slightly more toward the center of the Earth. Roman said these changes mean the Earth's mass has been redistributed, causing it to spin faster—and making days on Earth slightly shorter.

"This is like when a figure skater has her arms out, and she's going slowly as she's spinning. If she pulls her arms in, she'll speed up. The Earth has started spinning slightly faster, and that means the length of a day on Earth is about two-millionths of a second shorter".

Scientists say this isn't unusual. An 8.8 earthquake in Chile last year moved Earth's axis by three inches, shortening the day by 1.26 millionths of a second."

/geekiness, over and out

Thursday, January 13, 2011


New year, new adventures.

Happy 2011 to you who reads this.
May all your wishes and dreams come true.

I have only just arrived in 2011, now that my guests have left for the great wide world. They flew right into a snow storm but emerged unscathed on the other side. All is well in the world. For once I was glad that I didn't have to get on that plane myself. Flying clearly is less fun these days, not only because it's more complicated physically but also because the so-called officers at American airports make it a pain in the kabooze. American airport officials are like American cops. Bullies for the most part, with some true angels thrown in for good measure. I try to choose my personal officer based on looks and gender. It appears that one group is more likely to be polite and equipped with angel-like patience and it is them I will go to.

Offline life has been great, but I miss some of my online friends. It seems like many spend less and less time in blogs and in chat, or perhaps they're just spending less and less time with me?

I'm feeling good overall, optimistic about the new year and ready for whatever may come my way. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Impressive Imagery & Peruvian Dishes

Some images that have meaning, made an impression or provided giggles these past weeks. The food pictures toward the end feature some of my favorite dishes from Peru: Papas Rellena, Aji de Gallina, and Conchitas Parmesanas.

Peruvian has become one of my favorites since I live in the Americas. Something about the way spices and ingredients are combined really is unique and so delicious. I'm intrigued with ancient Mesoamerican civilizations as well. You seem to hear a lot about them lately as we approach legendary 2012 - as I see it, a New Age rather than the old doomsday scenario. Crazed bible thumpers won't agree with me here.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Brandenburg and the Book of Skulls

November already. The year's almost gone, crazy. The picture's of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin during New Year's celebrations. It's so fun to be there for the turn of the year party. I'm sure it will be huge this year (20 years since The Wall) but I probably won't make it this time so roomie and I are contemplating other options. I don't want to stay in town, definitely want to go somewhere and it will involve plane travel, possibly just domestic. I really want to get out for a while and am thinking cold and snowy would make a proper substitute for a Germany trip. Must think & decide. I've been reading more again lately and enjoying every moment of it.

Mors stupebit et natura,

Cum resurget creatura,

Iudicanti responsura.

Liber scriptus proferetur, in quo totum continetur.

Unde mundus judicetur.

- From the "Book of Skulls" by Robert Silverberg, published 1972

I would enjoy some friends on this blog but still don't see how you even network here. It seems like you just add blogs and maybe they will or will not add you back?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Late Night Sensation

I'm keeping crazy hours. Really liking the late-night atmosphere, preferably with music that matches. It's peaceful, it's quiet, I hear crickets even though it's foggy tonight. Solaris is playing providing soundscapes that create landscapes. Beautiful. The perfect combination to think, write, dream...

Bit lonely still. I try not to miss him.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Chinese Horoscope: The Sheep

So I'm a Sheep, how funny. I happen to love live sheep in all their woolly glory! =D When it comes to proverbial sheep... not so much. I'm extremely unsheepish in the collective society way, very individualistic and family/friend but not club/group-focussed. I guess my Scorpioness/Earth aspect saves me. What the Chinese horoscope tells me is this:

Sheep simply want a bit of peace. They enjoy carrying on with life in their own quiet, individual way, content to be in the middle of it all rather than to be leading it. Sheep are quiet and calm people. They enjoy cultural things and focus much of their energy on artistic hobbies. Sheep are easygoing and relaxed, happy to be going with the flow. Years of the Sheep: 1907*1919*1931*1943*1955*1967*1979*1991*2003

Scorpio gives the naturally placid Sheep a bit of aggression. It also encourages the Sheep to exhibit independence. The Scorpio Sheep is desirable and magnetic.

The Earth element gives the Sheep a grounded effect. Although she struggles with a lack of self-confidence, this Sheep is a very stable person. They are independent and practical, leaning more towards conservancy than liberality. An Earth Sheep’s family is his most important asset and she spends her life working hard to provide for her loved ones. Earth Sheep are born with a joy for life that generally becomes infectious as you get to know them.

Sheep are nurturers. They enjoy taking care of others. Like their animal counterpart, they are pretty calm individuals. Their personalities are quiet, reserved and soothing. They like to be in the company of others but do not wish to be in the middle of everything. They like standing in the back, watching contently from the sidelines, as others dazzle the company. Sheep will generally do better than they are aware because they are so good at keeping the peace and accomplishing tasks at hand.

8th in order, after HORSE
Chinese name — YANG
Sign of the arts
Hour — 1pm-2:59pm
Month — July
Western Counterpart — Cancer

Smart. Artistic, Kind, Happy, Reserved, Insecure, Dependent

A Sheep’s serenity often prohibits him from health problems. Although they seem fragile on the outside, inside Sheep are quite healthy creatures. Happiness keeps the Sheep healthy. However, any sort of trouble or confrontation will send the Sheep’s stomach spinning, especially if it is due to a romantic problem. As happiness keeps the Sheep healthy, unhappiness makes him quite sick.

Sheep truly enjoy being at home. They spend their time there doing arts and crafts, cooking and knitting. Sheep are most comfortable on their couches in the privacy of their homes, relaxed and tranquil. Their homes are as simple as they like to feel. They are elegant and timeless, and their homes reflect their artistic flair. The Sheep will go to any expense to be comfortable and to enjoy convenience.

Sheep people like the comfort of a crowd. They enjoy adding input and opinions but do not wish to take a lead position. Sheep will take a leadership role if asked, but generally prefer to be a part of the group. They do not seek positions of power or status as these things are not important to them.

Sheep generally appear well-off. They love to spend money but do not find comfort or satisfaction in material things. They do have a knack with money though, which is well-suited for a person who spends money like the Sheep does. Sheep are always dressed to a T, looking well-groomed and well-dressed.

SHEEP CAREERS, they make excellent:
Interior designers
Daycare teachers
Art historians

Color Preference: Pink, purple
Gems and Stones: Moonstone, Sapphire, Jade
Suitable Gifts: peppermint oil, seashells, massage
Hobbies: Reading, watching movies, eating, drinking, swimming
Dislikes: Being separated from family & friends, conflict, not having the support of others

As Sheep find safety in numbers, they also like to travel with other people. Sheep enjoy guided tours of artistic places like museums, gardens or theaters. They are also drawn to water and thus enjoy vacationing at the beach or on a cruise.

Sheep make great hosts. They can adapt to any situation and generally enjoy any company they keep. They like throwing parties, but do not want to be in the spotlight the whole time. Sheep are sociable creatures, but they must really get to know you and the territory before engaging in any sort of committed situation. They are private and do not generally tell you everything there is to know about them until they have tested the waters and are sure they want to reveal themselves to you. Therefore, becoming a close friend of the Sheep is a taxing process and many do not have the patience to wait. Consequently, the Sheep has many acquaintances and few really good friends. Best Friends: Rabbits and Pigs - Mortal Enemy: Oxen

Sheep are natural caregivers. They automatically turn on their parental instincts and take on parental responsibilities. They are family people who often have large families. They blanket their children with love and affection. They expect their children to use their manners and to be polite and respectful to others. Sheep generally have long-lasting, healthy relationships with their own parents. They often settle down close to where they grew up or close to their own parents so their children can be close to their grandparents. Often too, Sheep move elderly family members into their own homes to take care of and nurture them back to health. They encourage their children to establish and maintain close relationships with family and stress the importance of this for the future.

Sheep children are very sensitive. They cry at the drop of a hat, especially if their feelings are hurt or they are embarrassed. Often they will cry to get what they want. They are dependent on their parents and love to be affectionate with their family. They do not exhibit a great deal of self-confidence so parents and teachers are generally responsible for encouraging them to bring out their artistic natures. They are well-behaved, well-mannered children, who despise aggression and conflict.

Some parents immediately click with their children and others find they will never have a close relationship no matter how hard they try make it happen. Following are compatibility ratings between Sheep parents and their children. Sheep with Under the same roof Compatibility Rating:

Rat differing opinions *
Ox too many temper tantrums *
Tiger will get better eventually **
Rabbit caring and attentive ***
Dragon happy parenting! ****Snake supportive and giving ***
Horse great communication ****
Sheep sympathetic and sensitive ****
Monkey diverse viewpoints **
Rooster healthy **
Dog long lasting mutual respect ***
Pig kind and genuine ****

THE SHEEP LOVER: Sheep do not like to be alone. They are very family-oriented people. If you do not like children or big families, Sheep are not right for you. Sheep will give themselves entirely to the right person and will do everything they can to maintain a stable, loving, happy relationship.

MARRIAGE: Even though Sheep can be clingy and self-deprecating they are loving creatures who make great romantic partners. They are compassionate and kind, genuine and affectionate. A Sheep needs a partner who will be supportive and attentive and who will help him develop his self-confidence.

THE SHEEP LOVE PARTNER: Sheep are often unaware of even their own talents, but with encouragement and love they will bring those talents forth. Sheep crave a partner who makes them feel safe enough to try new things and who will give them the confidence they need to shine.

Sheep*Rat: Sometimes tough, but keep at it.
Sheep*Ox: You may be physically attracted, but that’s about it.
Sheep*Tiger: You both walk on too many eggshells to maintain a stable partnership.
Sheep*Rabbit: Mutual respect/understanding/points of view, good!
Sheep*Dragon: Sexually attracted but not mentally or intellectually.
Sheep*Snake: Great friends and even better lovers.
Sheep*Horse: Love at first sight becomes so much more.
Sheep*Sheep: You understand each other perfectly. Wonder why?
Sheep*Monkey: Your differences could unite you.
Sheep*Rooster: A lot to overcome… may want to reconsider.
Sheep*Dog: A tiring union.
Sheep*Pig: You make great companions.

Eye of N

So I guess I have a blog now.

This is the all-seeing eye of Nina, my own creation.
Fractals are sexy.